Kennedy was raised on a rich diet of Star Wars, Star Trek, Tintin, Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers, Doctor Who, Space:1999, and Godzilla movies. He's had a love of science fiction and writing lodged in his skull for as long as he can remember.
In 2006, he finally decided to get serious about both of these interests and attended Orson Scott Card's writing bootcamp, where he met fellow writers
Aliette de Bodard,
Jamie Ford, and others. Since then, he has also attended ReaderCon 18, David Farland's novel writing workshop, Robert McKee's STORY Seminar, and Donald Maass’
Writing the Breakout Novel - Intensive workshop and
The Breakout Novel Intensive Learning Retreat 2014. He has also been spotted lurking about at the SFWA Nebula Awards in San Jose, CA, in 2013 and 2014.
His works in progress include several manuscripts in a Military SF series, a standalone dystopic future novel, and a fictionalized version of his true-life Africa misadventure. He lives for writing, music, nice drives with the top down, and coming home to his son, wife, dogs, and cats in California in the house that his grandfather built. He's so lucky it's stupid.
He thanks you for reading.